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Summary an hgwrm object.


# S3 method for class 'hgwrm'
summary(object, ..., test_hetero = FALSE, verbose = 0)



An hgwrm object returned from hgwr().


Other arguments passed from other functions.


Logical/list value. Whether to test the spatial heterogeneity of GLSW effects. If it is set to FALSE, the test will not be executed. If it is set to TRUE, the test will be executed with default parameters (see details below). It accepts a list to enable the test with specified parameters.


An Integer value to control whether additional messages during testing spatial heterogeneity should be reported.


A list containing summary informations of this hgwrm object with the following fields.


A list of diagnostic information.


The standard deviation of random effects.


The correlation matrix of random effects.


The residual vector.


The parameters used to perform test of spatial heterogeneity are


Bandwidth (unit: number of nearest neighbours) used to make spatial kernel density estimation. Default: 10.


The number of polynomial terms used in the local polynomial estimation. Default: 2.


Total resampling times. Default: 5000.


The kernel function used in the local polynomial estimation. Options are "gaussian" and "bisquared". Default: "bisquared".

See also


m <- hgwr(
 formula = y ~ L(g1 + g2) + x1 + (z1 | group),
 data = multisampling$data,
 coords = multisampling$coords,
 bw = 10
#> Hierarchical and geographically weighted regression model
#> =========================================================
#> Formula: y ~ L(g1 + g2) + x1 + (z1 | group)
#>  Method: Back-fitting and Maximum likelihood
#>    Data: multisampling$data
#> Parameter Estimates
#> -------------------
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimated   Sd. Err      t.val  Pr(>|t|)      
#>  Intercept   2.844509  0.254491  11.177234  0.000000  *** 
#>         x1   0.966059  0.046763  20.658467  0.000000  *** 
#> Bandwidth: 10 (nearest neighbours)
#> GLSW effects:
#>             Mean Est.  Mean Sd.   ***    **      *      . 
#>  Intercept  -1.115285  0.557561  0.0%  0.0%  56.2%  18.8% 
#>         g1   6.976060  3.208388  0.0%  6.2%  62.5%  31.2% 
#>         g2   0.663998  3.249016  0.0%  0.0%   0.0%   0.0% 
#> SLR effects:
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#> Diagnostics
#> -----------
#>  rsquared  0.641698 
#>    logLik       NaN 
#>       AIC       NaN 
#> Scaled Residuals
#> ----------------
#>        Min         1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#>  -5.222809  -0.982000  0.161400  1.480594  5.562956 
#> Other Information
#> -----------------
#> Number of Obs: 484
#>        Groups: group , 16
summary(m, test_hetero = TRUE)
#> Hierarchical and geographically weighted regression model
#> =========================================================
#> Formula: y ~ L(g1 + g2) + x1 + (z1 | group)
#>  Method: Back-fitting and Maximum likelihood
#>    Data: multisampling$data
#> Parameter Estimates
#> -------------------
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimated   Sd. Err      t.val  Pr(>|t|)      
#>  Intercept   2.844509  0.254491  11.177234  0.000000  *** 
#>         x1   0.966059  0.046763  20.658467  0.000000  *** 
#> Bandwidth: 10 (nearest neighbours)
#> GLSW effects:
#>             Mean Est.  Mean Sd.   ***    **      *      . 
#>  Intercept  -1.115285  0.557561  0.0%  0.0%  56.2%  18.8% 
#>         g1   6.976060  3.208388  0.0%  6.2%  62.5%  31.2% 
#>         g2   0.663998  3.249016  0.0%  0.0%   0.0%   0.0% 
#> GLSW effect spatial heterogeneity:
#>             Sd. Est.        t0    Min. t    Max. t  Pr(t>t0)      
#>  Intercept  0.241211  0.230216  0.035692  0.228627  0.000000  *** 
#>         g1  0.736901  0.716578  0.109344  0.694086  0.000000  *** 
#>         g2  0.645812  0.622871  0.118444  0.606161  0.000000  *** 
#> SLR effects:
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#> Diagnostics
#> -----------
#>  rsquared  0.641698 
#>    logLik       NaN 
#>       AIC       NaN 
#> Scaled Residuals
#> ----------------
#>        Min         1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#>  -5.222809  -0.982000  0.161400  1.480594  5.562956 
#> Other Information
#> -----------------
#> Number of Obs: 484
#>        Groups: group , 16
summary(m, test_hetero = list(kernel = "gaussian"))
#> Hierarchical and geographically weighted regression model
#> =========================================================
#> Formula: y ~ L(g1 + g2) + x1 + (z1 | group)
#>  Method: Back-fitting and Maximum likelihood
#>    Data: multisampling$data
#> Parameter Estimates
#> -------------------
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimated   Sd. Err      t.val  Pr(>|t|)      
#>  Intercept   2.844509  0.254491  11.177234  0.000000  *** 
#>         x1   0.966059  0.046763  20.658467  0.000000  *** 
#> Bandwidth: 10 (nearest neighbours)
#> GLSW effects:
#>             Mean Est.  Mean Sd.   ***    **      *      . 
#>  Intercept  -1.115285  0.557561  0.0%  0.0%  56.2%  18.8% 
#>         g1   6.976060  3.208388  0.0%  6.2%  62.5%  31.2% 
#>         g2   0.663998  3.249016  0.0%  0.0%   0.0%   0.0% 
#> GLSW effect spatial heterogeneity:
#>             Sd. Est.        t0    Min. t    Max. t  Pr(t>t0)      
#>  Intercept  0.241211  0.239693  0.127825  0.244467  0.002600   ** 
#>         g1  0.736901  0.732991  0.403952  0.738807  0.001000   ** 
#>         g2  0.645812  0.644046  0.352540  0.651728  0.000400  *** 
#> SLR effects:
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#>    Groups       Name      Mean  Std.Dev.      Corr 
#>     group  Intercept  0.000000  1.921255           
#>                   z1  0.005422  1.921255  0.000000 
#>  Residual             0.233641  1.921255           
#> Diagnostics
#> -----------
#>  rsquared  0.641698 
#>    logLik       NaN 
#>       AIC       NaN 
#> Scaled Residuals
#> ----------------
#>        Min         1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#>  -5.222809  -0.982000  0.161400  1.480594  5.562956 
#> Other Information
#> -----------------
#> Number of Obs: 484
#>        Groups: group , 16